He has dread locks, he smokes, he's a brilliant dancer, he loves his wife , he accepted the child of his wife not born of him and never once made the child or his wife he was not the father....
He is the God I worship, he is who I look up-to ,I adore, He is my ideal man....yes Rudra, Shiva, Bhole Shankar , Mahesh. The names may be different for him in his different roles and forms.For me he is perfect in every role he plays. When he is angry he can destroy the world, yet so altruistic he drinks the poison so the world won't perish, He is the kind of husband every woman across the world dreams of, he is kind, patient, loving, he is passionate, he is great in love making, He is the one even other Gods run too when a situation gets out of hand.
Why am I writing about Lord Shiva today, I wrote about not being Sita the other day, and I compared two husbands. One called the purushotam Ram and the other just Rudra. From where I look at it Rudra knows what marriage means, where as Ram gives a completely wrong example for men to follow. Rudra teaches about loyalty, acceptance, forgiveness. He was not the one to initiate the love making on his wedding night, it was his wife. When his wife wanted to learn all about metaphysics, he patiently taught her, when she wanted to go visit her father, He knew what was coming yet supported her in going. In another life, Ganesha was created by parvati ni his absence , once he realized Ganesha was his wife's son, he accepted him into his life, heart, and his kingdom.
As a woman of today, I've seen various ups and downs, dated several kinds of men, possessive men, cowardly men, the quintessential bad boy.... you name it... I have come to appreciate and worship Lord Shiva more now . He was the first modern man, he can still teach not a thing or two but a million to the men in our world. He can beat them hands down at dancing drinking and smoking up too in case they thought he wasn't cool. He shows the difference and balance between personal space, family life and duties. Where I'm concerned he should be called the "Pursotam" ( the ideal man). Being God you are responsible to lead the way , be the good example for people to follow down the ages. Here's to you my Lord Shiva, cheers to you always, may you show men across the world, especially in India what marriage is all about and what love is ... bam bam bhole....For the one who makes my heart skip a beat...
He is the God I worship, he is who I look up-to ,I adore, He is my ideal man....yes Rudra, Shiva, Bhole Shankar , Mahesh. The names may be different for him in his different roles and forms.For me he is perfect in every role he plays. When he is angry he can destroy the world, yet so altruistic he drinks the poison so the world won't perish, He is the kind of husband every woman across the world dreams of, he is kind, patient, loving, he is passionate, he is great in love making, He is the one even other Gods run too when a situation gets out of hand.
Why am I writing about Lord Shiva today, I wrote about not being Sita the other day, and I compared two husbands. One called the purushotam Ram and the other just Rudra. From where I look at it Rudra knows what marriage means, where as Ram gives a completely wrong example for men to follow. Rudra teaches about loyalty, acceptance, forgiveness. He was not the one to initiate the love making on his wedding night, it was his wife. When his wife wanted to learn all about metaphysics, he patiently taught her, when she wanted to go visit her father, He knew what was coming yet supported her in going. In another life, Ganesha was created by parvati ni his absence , once he realized Ganesha was his wife's son, he accepted him into his life, heart, and his kingdom.
As a woman of today, I've seen various ups and downs, dated several kinds of men, possessive men, cowardly men, the quintessential bad boy.... you name it... I have come to appreciate and worship Lord Shiva more now . He was the first modern man, he can still teach not a thing or two but a million to the men in our world. He can beat them hands down at dancing drinking and smoking up too in case they thought he wasn't cool. He shows the difference and balance between personal space, family life and duties. Where I'm concerned he should be called the "Pursotam" ( the ideal man). Being God you are responsible to lead the way , be the good example for people to follow down the ages. Here's to you my Lord Shiva, cheers to you always, may you show men across the world, especially in India what marriage is all about and what love is ... bam bam bhole....For the one who makes my heart skip a beat...
A very different and refreshing way to portray the supreme trinity ... the very fact that shiva embodies unconditional love comes across in a very potent way ... this is a very beautiful prose on the eternal vagabond ...:)