Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sharper than thorns.....

Words, Barbs, Jibes, Taunts.... our childhood and perhaps youth is spiked with hurting words. Words can make a world of difference. I had two very lovely, encouraging English teachers in school. It was their gentle encouragement that help me nurture the writing streak in me. We form opinions about our self based largely on the words we hear from our " significant elders" in our lives. " Brains of the family" , " the black sheep", " a bit slow", " totally dumb", these tags distort our self perception for the rest of our lives. These words dig into our minds and souls deeper and sharper than thorns.We grow older and to our horror we find our self mouthing the very phrases that made us cringe as a young individual.

Damage of words are far reaching than just self image. In workshops I take, with my clients, friends and relatives I keep stressing the importance of correcting wording of not only what we speak but how we think. Rhonda Bryne , writer of the bestseller " The Secret" has done us all a huge favor by emphasizing on correct phraseology,even in our thoughts. Louise Hay's book " You can Heal your Life" goes a step further and gives us positive statements to correct even physical ailments, and might I vouch for it.

Let us understand where do these negative thought patterns come from? Its always childhood, down to our time in our mother's wombs!! Yes the ancient sages of India are proved correct yet again ..." Work hard or you'll never get anywhere", " money doesn't come easy, it doesn't grow on trees"...such statements that are repeated over and over to us, popular maxims become diktats, they become like audio recordings in our brain. These messages become so deep rooted in our subconscious mind, we are totally unaware how we allow them to dictate far reaching patterns of our lives, shape our destinies. "Derivatives from sentences lead us to believe we don't " deserve" happiness/ success/fame/ wealth/health whatever else the strongest beliefs that have been poured into your impressionable minds.

We sabotage our lives with phrases like I'll never get a job that pays that well", " No one will love me if I ....", "No one really cares about me, " I'm not beautiful enough" Observe how strongly these words sound as you say it. So strong is the belief that if someone gives a compliment that is contrary to this belief, it slides off like water from oilskin !!!

We pray to the Almighty, ask for miracle, go to temples, churches,mosques, dargah .... ask for the divine , yet we then cancel our very divine personalised orders by doubting, by fearing by believing the opposite , we then wonder why we don't get our prayers answered.

The solution is very simple, so simple that most people can't believe it. They have again been beaten into believing a problem has to have a complicated solution, the harder the better. In fact most people feel let down and feel a sense of deflation even to the extent of thinking if it was that simple a solution then everyone would have done it by now. That's the problem, the doubt before even trying. The expectation for it to be hard and uphill makes it so. Yet I want to say before I hand over the magic pill... the 3 Ps that make this exercise a success Practise, Patience, Persistence....

The answers , the solution is very simple... Think Only Positive...........................check every word even that you may be just thinking. What do you exclaim in despair, in anger, in exasperation, rephrase it ......

You're waiting for me to come to the re-phrasing? I'll give it to you.... very soon. This is an excerpt from my book. Give me your comments and I might share another preview with you...cheerio :)

1 comment:

  1. "...one day an angel appears in front of you and grants you three wishes ... " let me tell you that there are just a small fraction in this planet of 7 billion who will give a well articulated answer and ask for proper 3 long term wishes , with no loop holes :) ... what i am getting at is , even to ask for a good all-encompassing boon , a wish one needs to know oneself thoroughly ..... and that is something that very few can do .... so as the passage rightly put start with the correct phraseology and grammar ...as they say " be careful of what you wish for , might just come true ..." :)
