A wonderful thing happened to me last night. I found my stash of short stories and poems I had written when I was around 13 years old till I was around 15 or 16. I know they are no literary works in there. Yet I found them, they showed me a side of my self, those parchments re-introduced me to a younger version of me. The poems are imitation of the styles of great poets I studied yet the emotions are so raw, so honest. My stories are purely day dreams of a teen. Today I want to share one very very short story written in the year 1991.... hope it brings back to you my readers, memories of the years , you first discovered your passion in life and the raw material that made you what you are today....Happy Reading...
Lost in the Desert....
Ram had been wandering in the deserts for days together. No sign of life was to be seen. His sole companion was Joravat, his camel. His supply of water was getting short. He had already run out of food. All he had now was a lump of jaggery. He couldn't give up, for now he could see a railway track. He walked on and on. Soon his water supply and jaggery also finished. He had not eaten for three days. He longed for a long drink of cool and sweet water to quench his thirst. The last drop of water he had tasted had been thirty six hours before.
As the night approached, he stopped Joravat and lay down beside him. he covered both of them with a blanket and tried to go to sleep. He dreamt about his home. He saw his wife. Then he saw the terrible fire that had snatched everything from him. He felt the suffocation from the smoke and grew restless. He woke up with a jolt. It was a dust storm. It soon passed. Ram just lay on his back counting the stars. He lay there guessing which star was his wife. He continued to simply lie there. Joravat licked his master's face. He was surprised his master did not move. The sun had risen long back. He did not know his master would never get up again. He sat there faithful, he would wait till the cold hands of death took him to his master again.....
Lost in the Desert....
Ram had been wandering in the deserts for days together. No sign of life was to be seen. His sole companion was Joravat, his camel. His supply of water was getting short. He had already run out of food. All he had now was a lump of jaggery. He couldn't give up, for now he could see a railway track. He walked on and on. Soon his water supply and jaggery also finished. He had not eaten for three days. He longed for a long drink of cool and sweet water to quench his thirst. The last drop of water he had tasted had been thirty six hours before.
As the night approached, he stopped Joravat and lay down beside him. he covered both of them with a blanket and tried to go to sleep. He dreamt about his home. He saw his wife. Then he saw the terrible fire that had snatched everything from him. He felt the suffocation from the smoke and grew restless. He woke up with a jolt. It was a dust storm. It soon passed. Ram just lay on his back counting the stars. He lay there guessing which star was his wife. He continued to simply lie there. Joravat licked his master's face. He was surprised his master did not move. The sun had risen long back. He did not know his master would never get up again. He sat there faithful, he would wait till the cold hands of death took him to his master again.....
A very potent short prose with a shocking twist leaves one with a lump in the throat and amazement , that how skillfully the writer put some words together that left a delightful sharp after taste ...... i liked the way the prose piece just changes the point of view in the last couple of sentences ... :)